lundi 8 avril 2013

Building Muscle Mass Like You Mean It

By Emmanuel Palmer

A big chest doesn't have to be impossible. It doesn't matter if you've always been the frailest little guy in the litter-you too can have a superman torso by building muscle mass. This article will show how you too can build chest muscles effectively with discipline and the right tools.

Understand that to get big muscles you need to get big first. What does that mean? Eat eat and keep eating. Your calorie intake each day should be around the neighborhood of 3,000 to 6,000 units. Sound like a lot right? Yes it does; but if you're planning on bulking up this is what you need to hit. Load up on healthy food like lean meat, chicken and fish. Take a slice of pie or a few chips once in a while but as a whole you need to keep to the healthier fare.

If you are on your way to building muscle mass, your calorie ratio should be as follows: 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat. Keep in mind that a gram of fat is equivalent to nine calories while a gram of both protein and carbohydrates are equivalent to four calories.

As soon as you have your food plan in, let us concentrate on the next part of getting a great chest which is the appropriate workout regimen for you. Always start your training with thorough stretching and a sufficient warm up to get the blood flowing to the rest of your body. This prepares it for exercise, even optimizes the condition of your body so it will be prepared for the incoming barrage of physical pain and soreness.

If you are a beginner, start with higher repetitions and lower weights. An example of a program you can use is this: 3 sets, 12 reps of bench press using 40 lbs; 3 sets, 12 reps of dumbbell flyes using 10 lbs; and 3 sets, 12 reps of dumbbell pullovers using 20 lbs. In a few weeks, add to your program by incorporating: 3 sets, 12 reps of incline bench press using 30 lbs; and 3 sets, 12 reps decline bench press using 20 lbs. Keep track of your improvement. Eventually you need to lift higher weight loads and lower your reps.

As with all effective training programs, vary the weights and drills every 2 to 3 weeks to challenge your body to perform its best. Train the target muscles using different positions like the flat, incline and decline angles. Flyes especially give a good workout to your pecs so make sure you always include this in your routine.

Even if your main goal is to build chest muscles, do not neglect the other muscle groups as well. You won't see a big muscled man with a barrel chest and chopsticks legs getting catcalls anytime soon. Take two or three days of your workout schedule to work out other parts of the body.

So there you go, focus on building muscle mass, eat right and execute the drills in correct form- soon you will get that barrel chest you've always wanted. There's only one more tip you need to remember, enjoy! This will be one of your most rewarding experiences yet. Don't give up and see the fruits of your labor before you know it.

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