mardi 2 avril 2013

Is There an Optimum Nutrition for Wrestling Lifestyles?

By Rob Sutter

I can't help but feel like people in professional wrestling have stayed true to a specific diet before the 2000's rolled around. These athletes stayed to a pretty solid diet all-around and there wasn't much room on the road for any other. Recently, a tread has occurred and people have started to eat more healthfully than they did in the past. Everyone has their own opinion of what optimum nutrition is and now the wrestling business has seen more than just one solid example in recent memory.

The 80's stood, at least to me, as a time when wrestlers with bulging biceps were the norm. They seemed to want to outdo one another in terms or physiques, which I don't think was the best idea in hindsight because I felt like they often hindered their ring ability. Even if I didn't find much enjoyment in their matches, it's hard to dispute that they were noteworthy. Their meals seemed large and with sizable portions of meat present, not many other options seemed to be available.

I think nowadays it's possible to see many instances of the most optimum nutrition. You have to think about how the diets back then stacked up the ones in the 2000's, especially with smaller yet more exciting wrestlers coming into the equation. They manage to perform well and I feel like their diets, in tandem with supplements provided by companies such as Muscular Development, have played a great part. It's apparent that these diets are not exactly typical for wrestlers but perhaps they shouldn't be.

This change has been done and I think there are reasons for it. People should make note the deaths of wrestlers in the path and how their lifestyles may have contributed to one untimely passing after another. It should also be noted that these wrestlers have to, above all else, perform. If they cannot keep their diets up to the task thanks to less meat and more of every other food group, they won't be able to work to the levels of potential which they have.

Let's say if a wrestler decides to go vegan, even though protein is typically needed in order to build and retain muscle. This is not a problem for those who have their optimum nutrition in mind, as they can invest in items in order to take care of that otherwise missing nutrient. It's almost like people can go about whatever diet they want, as long as it fits within their profession, not to mention their budget. You only have to make certain that you're taking in the right components.

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