dimanche 19 mai 2013

Chattanooga Podiatrist Helps Ease Heel Pain In Locals

By Jay Dy

Most people do no think about their feet on a daily basis. Yet, the average person takes upwards of ten thousand steps per day. Over a lifetime, that equals close to 115,000 miles. With that kind of wear and tear, it's easy to see why those living in the area may seek a Chattanooga podiatrist to help ease associated pain.

Though not widely publicized, the legs, feet, and ankles have a unique set of ailments associated with them. In fact, many people ignore their body's warning signs. Recently, however, more patients are complaining about heel discomfort.

Two basic reasons for discomfort are often associated with the back of the foot. If it is localized to the bottom padded area, plantar fasciitis may be to blame. This affliction is defined as an inflammation of connective tissue running from the back tendon to the ball of the foot.

The other common complaint for the heel is the Achilles tendon. Tendonitis of the Achilles is painful, but neither of these concerns are associated with a serious condition. Even so, when it is difficult to walk or function normally, a professional should be consulted.

There are several issues that can cause additional pain, though they are less frequent. Individuals with bursitis, pinched nerves, or fibromyalgia may find they are more prone to heel discomfort. If, however, certain symptoms are noted, getting an appointment is top priority.

Symptoms that should be seen to immediately include: severe pain and swelling near the heel, the inability to bend the foot downward, localized pain with fever, numbness or tingling in your heel, or severe pain immediately following an injury. Although it is unlikely to be serious, precautions should be taken. Contact a local clinic to be safe.

Pain is never something that should be ignored. Rather than ignore the symptoms, call a Chattanooga podiatrist to help ease any discomfort. Feet should always be treated with respect.

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