jeudi 31 octobre 2013

A Common Form Of Premature Ejaculation Cure Is A Simple Cream That Comes In A Tube.

By Rustin Harsha

There are certainly a plethora of treatment options available. Some men seek counseling; others seek behavioral therapy; some try to take prescription drugs to cure their problem. One of the most popular treatments, however, is a cream that promises to delay any ejaculatory response in men. Just how does this work?

It is first important to understand just what premature ejaculation is, and why it happens. "Premature ejaculation" is a very general term that is not, really, all that scientific. Men are classified as having this dysfunction when they show displeasure and distress with their ability to "last" after penetrating their partner.

Men that are affected by this disorder can attest that it is not only annoying, but it can have a very bad impact on their relationships. You may have tried several types of creams and had no result from it, but it really depends on whether or not you are using it the right way. When I set out to choose the best cream, I wanted to find something with no harmful side effects, as well as something that was reasonably priced and would actually work.

One safe one I came across is a product called ProSolution Gel. This product has been on the market for about 8 years, and has had several thousand users which can attest to its performance. Many users report having longer lasting sex, and have dramatically improved their sex lives with this premature ejaculation cream. My personal experience was two fold. One time I did in fact "last longer", but it was only a few minutes longer. After that it seemed stimulation was too strong and while the cream worked for a while, it didn't last forever. I figured I maybe had not used enough cream.

Psychological factors play a major role in a man's sexual performance. Stress and depression can either cause a premature or latent ejaculatory response. Sexual repression is also a very well documented cause in any sort of sexual dysfunction in men.

Though one may assume that there are no long-term adverse affects to using these creams, there is still no evidence proving otherwise either.

These creams contain an anesthetic property in them which has a numbing affect on the area it is applied to. The cream does work in that it will numb you from feeling any sort of sensation, so it is not really possible for a man to climax. There are a couple of problems that arise with the use of these creams, however:

Men remain numbed throughout the entire duration of intercourse, causing them to never have a chance to climax and ejaculate. The numbing agent also rubs off on the partner, making it impossible for him or her to also achieve orgasm and enjoy the sexual experience.

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