mardi 29 octobre 2013

Unfortunately Whatever May Have Worked For One Person Won't Necessarily Work For Another.

By Zora Schulman

Above all you will be hoping to alleviate some of the symptoms of scaling and itching. I hope that this article will reveal a few insights about this condition

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes scaling and swelling. Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation. It is a skin disorder driven by the immune system, especially involving a type of white blood cell called a T cell.

Holistic treatment is all about taking a look at the bigger picture, and looking at the whole range of factors that can combine to cause psoriasis. This approach is not about taking a magic pill that will make the problem go away, but in applying changes to areas of your life that can make an impact on your condition.

It seems that psoriasis is most common in Caucasians and slightly less common in African Americans. Worldwide, psoriasis is most common in Scandinavia and other parts of northern Europe. Researchers now believe that psoriasis is an immune-mediated condition. About 80% of people who develop psoriasis have plaque psoriasis, which appears as patches of raised, reddish skin covered by silvery-white scale. The other types are guttate psoriasis (small, red spots on the skin),. pustular psoriasis (white pustules surrounded by red skin), inverse psoriasis (smooth, red lesions form in skin folds), and erythrodermic psoriasis (widespread redness, severe itching, and pain). The skin often itches, and it may crack and bleed.

Symptoms of secondary infection are redness of skin around a psoriatic lesion or increased redness of the lesion, increased warmth in the skin and/or pus in the skin in the area of a lesion.

Symptoms include itching and spots on the skin, called skin lesions, which are pinkish-red and look like teardrops. Symptoms may affect joints on only one side of the body, or on both sides at the same time.

Treatment is determined by the location, severity and history of psoriasis in each individual. For African-Americans and other darker-skinned people, treatment is different than for people with light-coloured skin.

Failure to recognize the lesion as psoriasis may lead to a long period of incorrect treatment, and failure to institute treatment for a developing case of psoriasis. There is no scientific evidence that homeopathic treatments are effective for treating psoriasis. However, it is not impossible that some of these treatments might be helpful.

The best treatment for psoriasis has to involve reducing the amount of toxins you put in your body, by eating healthier, and removing any build up through a good detox program. This way of tackling psoriasis may involve a little work in implementing the changes required, but it is effective and will also leave you in better health overall.

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