lundi 24 novembre 2014

Test Taking Anxiety Treatment And Why It Should Not Be Taken For Granted

By Ida Dorsey

There are a lot of myths about test anxiety. Some say it is an in born condition. Others say that it is permanent and cannot be treated. Few even go as far as saying that students who have it cannot learn Math. These are all myths. But the existence of test anxiety is no myth. It is a fact.

Those who develop this condition feel terrible during exams. It does not matter what type or subject the exam is all about. The signs are the same. They will feel nervous, and will eventually find it difficult to breath. The condition is considered serious and that is why services like test taking anxiety treatment San Francisco is developed.

It is the goal of this procedure to help students overcome their fear of exams and eventually bring back their confidence. The service is not just limited to San Francisco. Different countries have also started devising their own strategies to deal with the condition.

The good news is, this can be treated. Using some proven effective means of treatment, the condition can soon be tamed. Likewise, if you let it go on without undergoing procedures, it can get worse. To extreme conditions, one may pass out while taking the exam.

Prior to treating it, it is important that children and parents get to understand its cause. Among the most common ones is a sort of phobia to a past negative experience during an exam. For instance, if a student experienced a traumatic situation before when he gets laughed at after getting a low score in an exam, then he might retain the memory which can develop into test anxiety.

Another one could be expectations from peers and parents. A student will feel pressured if he keeps on hearing comments about how he should get high grades to get this reputation and that. This is harmful both psychologically and emotionally that is why psychologists are keen on reminding parents not to push too much.

These factors creates a sort of illusion to the minds of the kids making them associate all types of exams to embarrassment and fear. This is where treatment should come in. The treatment happens in a series. It is composed of several sessions with a trained councilor. In here, they examine what causes the anxiety and devise an approach using the result.

It is through treatment that students are taught on how to handle their fears and how to get away with constantly making those false associations. It is really a matter of mind conditioning. Councilors who are trained also help the students boost their self esteem to counter those destructive thoughts.

The moment your kid starts to show signs of being test anxious, do the first move. Begin by encouraging him through positive words. Do not empower the negative feeling that he already feels. For advanced conditions, especially among adults, do not hesitate to ask professional support.

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