mercredi 9 janvier 2013

Doomsday Preppers: How to Survive like John Major

By Terrance Franklin

John Major is Doomsday Preppers' closest response to Man vs. Food yet. Any time the dirty bombs attack, his family is going to be perfectly fed and able to secure themselves from the radiation or maybe any kind of undesirables looking to take their wares. And if not, there's usually strategy B(ug).

Consuming bugs

Have you ever consumed lobster? When the pilgrims first landed in New England, lobsters on the beach were avoided because they were a food for the poor. Today, they are served in high-end sea food eateries to nearly all important customers. Shrimp is a standard feature of cocktail parties just about everywhere. What exactly do all of these forms of seafood all of these share in common? All are arthropods, each are part of the same collection of animals that makes up the insect family.

The elegant word for eating insects is entomaphagy. Around thousands of types of insects are ingested in more than 80% of the world's countries. Those of us who are disgusted by this are formally in the minority. From the nutritional point of view, insects are alright. They are an incredible supply of proteins, one of the most hard macro-nutrients to safely and securely keep for long intervals. According to an evaluation by the African Journal of Biotechnology, they have trace amounts of vitamin A, C as well as C, and over the suggested daily allowance for phosphorus.

Seed bank

The idea of a seed bank was considered by Preston White in an earlier episode. Whilst Preston had an unusual desire to gather uncommon vegetables, John is a lot more realistic in his strategy. John views seeds as a great type of potential currency, as they are useful for potential crops. He may be on to something; seeds are light, store for decades and also have intrinsic value.

The idea of growing seeds to await the after effects was fascinating.The nutritional facts regarding sprouted seeds signifies that they are an excellent supply of many nutrients. Sprouted wheat is a superb supply of vitamin B, sprouted alfafa is a wonderful supply of vitamin K, and sprouted beans are the ideal supply of vitamin C. All appear to be a great source of minerals as well, like iron, selenium, copper mineral and also magnesium mineral.

It also looks like Mr. Major is a prepper businessperson like our friend Tim Ralston. Selling some of his seeds in mylar bags is a good approach to stimulate the resources to come in and will often assist him with his post-collapse bartering skills.

Family Prepping

Once again we have got an illustration of a family group who can certainly go against society's grain and have fun doing it. What is more amazing is the extreme level of weirdness going on. Some way John makes it much easier for his family to actually take in vermin rather than having some other preppers having to convince their young children to leave hurricane street and store a number of containers in the shed. If there's one thing that stands apart about the Majors its is the persistence amid close relatives. No-one seems to be undermining the actions they go through whether it is practice shooting or perhaps fallout drills. It is about solidarity (and possibly having the children getting used to the mealworms at a young age).

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