Chiropractic treatments are modalities in the group of complementary and alternative medicine. It is mostly applicable in the managing, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions that involve the musculoskeletal and neuronal systems. It is executed by specialists who use manual manipulation methods directed mostly to the spine to bring relief from most medical conditions. This practice was at first restricted to few countries like Europe, Australia and North America but soon spread rapidly to many other nations all over the world.
This therapeutic approach was introduced by healer who was a magnetic doctor in America. Since that time it has faced a lot of challenges in being accepted into the mainstream conventional methods because insufficient scientific grounds on the principles guiding the treatment. Convectional scientific understanding disapproves the idea that ill health could be as a result of spinal dysfunction alone. The approach can only pass as body manipulative therapies like massage to relieve fatigue.
Many different ideas are held by different chiropractic-practitioners of on what exactly is the basis of their practice. Many of them agree that the spine and human health are closely related and that this relationship is linked through the nerves. They therefore study the biomechanics, function and structure of spine alongside the effects on the nervous and musculoskeletal system with an aim of establishing the role it has in disease processes.
There are three main principles that act as the backbone of this practice. First is the principle of reductionism which believes that unlike holism where health is thought to be a factor of everything in the environment, chiropractics believe that all health issues are related to the single factor of vertebral dysfunction. Next is a principle of conservatism that invasive procedures like surgery and medications should be avoided in place for noninvasive ones and thus manipulative therapies. Finally the principle of homeostasis that the body has the ability to heal itself and only need to be supported.
Mr. Healer the father of chiropractic made a hypothesis that misalignment of the joints in the vertebra which is also called subluxation greatly reduced the ability of the body to heal itself and therefore resulting is diseases. Part of the pathologies was also because of the malfunctioning of organs that were supplied by the nerves whose pathway had been interfered with the subluxation.
There tends to be a small overlap of this approach of treatment and other forms of manipulative therapies like massage and osteopathy which also employ manual manipulation. Specialists can however distinguish them with the understanding the chiropractic therapy need more firm grips in order to reach the deep nerves.
Examples of conditions that are managed through this therapy include Low back pain which is the commonest condition manageable through this approach. It has also been used to manage migraine headaches. It is also used in many systemic diseases where there is an issue of nerves associated to the condition resulting in chronic pain.
The safety profile of chiropractic treatments is very high more so when conducted by well trained professionals. There are however few risks and complications that could result when not done by trained individual including worsening of disease. It is contraindicated on people with joint problems.
This therapeutic approach was introduced by healer who was a magnetic doctor in America. Since that time it has faced a lot of challenges in being accepted into the mainstream conventional methods because insufficient scientific grounds on the principles guiding the treatment. Convectional scientific understanding disapproves the idea that ill health could be as a result of spinal dysfunction alone. The approach can only pass as body manipulative therapies like massage to relieve fatigue.
Many different ideas are held by different chiropractic-practitioners of on what exactly is the basis of their practice. Many of them agree that the spine and human health are closely related and that this relationship is linked through the nerves. They therefore study the biomechanics, function and structure of spine alongside the effects on the nervous and musculoskeletal system with an aim of establishing the role it has in disease processes.
There are three main principles that act as the backbone of this practice. First is the principle of reductionism which believes that unlike holism where health is thought to be a factor of everything in the environment, chiropractics believe that all health issues are related to the single factor of vertebral dysfunction. Next is a principle of conservatism that invasive procedures like surgery and medications should be avoided in place for noninvasive ones and thus manipulative therapies. Finally the principle of homeostasis that the body has the ability to heal itself and only need to be supported.
Mr. Healer the father of chiropractic made a hypothesis that misalignment of the joints in the vertebra which is also called subluxation greatly reduced the ability of the body to heal itself and therefore resulting is diseases. Part of the pathologies was also because of the malfunctioning of organs that were supplied by the nerves whose pathway had been interfered with the subluxation.
There tends to be a small overlap of this approach of treatment and other forms of manipulative therapies like massage and osteopathy which also employ manual manipulation. Specialists can however distinguish them with the understanding the chiropractic therapy need more firm grips in order to reach the deep nerves.
Examples of conditions that are managed through this therapy include Low back pain which is the commonest condition manageable through this approach. It has also been used to manage migraine headaches. It is also used in many systemic diseases where there is an issue of nerves associated to the condition resulting in chronic pain.
The safety profile of chiropractic treatments is very high more so when conducted by well trained professionals. There are however few risks and complications that could result when not done by trained individual including worsening of disease. It is contraindicated on people with joint problems.
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