vendredi 12 octobre 2012

Grow and Juice Your Own Wheat Grass

By Gail Jones

Your overall health and wellbeing can be improved by ingesting the juice of wheat grass. Wheat grass contains high levels of chlorophyll along with a host of minerals and vitamins which are known for their ability to boost your immune system as well as provide a quick detox. A wheat grass juicer can ensure you receive wheat grass benefits via a juicing machine which will easily ensure extraction of all the beneficial nutrients you need. You can try planting and harvesting your own wheat grass for the best and freshest juice.

Grown at Home To receive the greatest benefits from juicing wheat grass, you might want to try growing your own at home so you will always have a fresh supply on hand. You must first soak 500 grams of wheat grass seeds in water for approximately 8 hours as this will encourage them to sprout. If you didn't want to plant them after an overnight soaking, you could put them out to soak in the morning and then plant them in the evening. For planting, you will need to buy some organic potting mix and as seed tray that measures 20 x 10 x 2 inches deep. Make sure the seeds are well covered with potting mix, water the seeds every day and make sure to cover the tray and place it somewhere dark.

Letting the Seeds Grow and Reaping What you have Sown You can grow fresh wheat grass to have on hand and juice it at the best time so as to obtain the greatest nutritional benefits possible. All you do is take 500 grams of seed, wheat grass seed that is, and soak it in water for about 8 hours. If you didn't want to plant them after an overnight soaking, you could put them out to soak in the morning and then plant them in the evening. It is best to plant them in a 20 x 10 x 2 inch seed tray and for the best results, try using an organic potting mix which is moist. Make sure the seeds are well covered with potting mix, water the seeds every day and make sure to cover the tray and place it somewhere dark.

Time to Juice It You will need to rinse the wheat grass and juice it as soon as you have harvested it. If you don't what to use all the wheat grass at once, it can be stored for a day or two refrigerated in a container which is airtight. A masticating juicer is the best juicing machine for juicing wheat grass because it has the ability to extract the most nutrients from it. To avoid oxidizing the chlorophyll in the wheat grass, you will need to avoid using food processors, centrifugal juicers and blenders. The terms masticating juicer and wheat grass juicer are often interchangeable and refer to the same appliance. You will need to consume your juice quickly, typically 30 minutes.

What Not to Do Always check there is no mold on your wheat grass as it is harmful if you consume it. Yellow sprouts should also be avoided because they are not fresh and will taste different to the fresh ones. The best tasting sprouts are the green ones which are fresh. Drink your juice right away. You can keep your juice for a maximum of half an hour in the refrigerator, but any longer than that is not advisable as the nutrients break down.

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