samedi 5 janvier 2013

How To Get From Unsafe To Safe

By Gabrielle Lambert

As a song writer once wrote, we are only what we feel. It is a track from an album of Crosby, Still, Nash and Young. This is also true to life changing events that can distort the way people feel. Moving from an unsafe to safe state of being requires much attention. Incidences such as rape, murder and physical abuse can distort the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us.

When we are able to discover the reasons both practical and emotional as to what transpired we are able to come to terms, accept and understand why it is we feel the way we do. This is one of the reasons why a person whom has just suffered a motor car accident should be kept talking not only so that they slip into unconsciousness, but that their memories to a degree are kept in tact.

Some cases, as women will allude to and men alike, rape is one instance that many grapple with for years after the event. This is an extreme case of trauma and one that leads to feelings of severe insecurity and fear buried among a host of other feelings that are attached with an event of having being personally vandalized. It takes years to make sense of these feelings of vandalization on the self of a person.

In cases of rape, a person feels that he or she has been vandalized both emotionally and physically. Here again feelings such as anxiety, fear of men or women alike, can hinder a person from progressing and living a normal functioning life. It is an infringement on another person that leaves the person feeling victimized.

The reaction of a person whom has been vandalized on a material level is one of anger. This is a normal human response. Feelings of anger eventually give way to lesser intense emotions such as anxiety. It is known in psychology fields as a flight or fright response just as a rabbit will flee on sensing a snake approaching.

Events in our lives can leave us feeling safe or unsafe. We have a sense of feeling safe when we feel those warm, fuzzy feelings inside. The safe feelings. At the other end of the spectrum of feelings when feeling unsafe, we tend to feel anxious, fearful or even apprehensive as to the outcome that may be, with regard to that part of our day.

People who feel this way are often seen to be withdrawn and anti social. This can exacerbate the lonesome feelings that they feel. When this happens more extreme cases of anti social behavior can pursue such as schizophrenia, schizo effective disorders, bi polar disorders and in a lower extreme, depression. The medical fraternity of psychiatry have not found a clear solution in terms of medication.

Crossing the proverbial bridge from unsafe to safe is and can be for some a life long challenge. Some never realise this challenge as they are unable to recuperate from extreme cases of shock. An important rule of thumb is that a victim be allowed to express his or her emotions once shock has abated.

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