mercredi 19 septembre 2012

How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

By Brad Erickson

Hypertension affects millions of people worldwide and because there are no symptoms it often goes untreated. When people discover that their blood pressure is too high they will usually attempt to lower it using prescription medication. There are a number of adverse effects associated with taking medication and as a result many patients will not take their medication regularly which increases the risk of heart attack or stoke. Others will learn how to lower blood pressure naturally by incorporating a number of lifestyle changes.

Hypertension is often attributed to genetic factors as well as poor diet and may be controlled by making a few adjustments to a person's lifestyle. One of the factors that contributes to high blood pressure is high cholesterol. Studies have shown that by lowering cholesterol, blood pressure can also be lowered as well.

The first step is to achieve a desired weight while paying attention to the extra layers around your midsection. It is important to determine your ideal weight in terms of the BMI or body mass index, which serves as a guideline when it comes to suitable weight. A normal BMI should in the range of 18.5 to 24.9. Address the belly fat first as this is often a major contributing factor in the development of hypertension.

In order to ensure that you maintain an ideal weight, incorporate a balanced diet and regular exercise. Foods that have a high sugar content and processed foods are high in calories and usually have little nutritional value. Exercise does not have to be strenuous. Walking for a half hour three to four times a week is usually enough to satisfy this requirement. Of course, other forms of exercise are also beneficial but remember to start off slowly.

Another major cause of hypertension is the consumption of excessive amounts of salt (sodium) and insufficient consumption of potassium which helps to lower blood pressure. Consult with your practitioner to determine appropriate levels of salt in your diet. This also involves educating yourself with regards to the ingredients included in foods particularly processed and restaurant foods.

The consumption of alcohol and continuous smoking can also impact on the health of your heart. Practice relaxation and appropriate ways to reduce stress as an unhealthy lifestyle will impact on balance and overall health. Consider engagement in activities which will relieve significant stress that is experienced on a daily basis.

A healthy lifestyle is of the utmost importance when it comes to preventing the development of hypertension as well as heart disease. By learning how to lower blood pressure naturally you will not have to consume prescription medication with a range of possible side effects. Consult with your practitioner in order to determine the options available to you for health and wellness.

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