mercredi 19 septembre 2012

How The Right Mix Of DVD Workout Programs Can Help You Stay Fit

By Rebekah Alford

Lots of folks who want to exercise would prefer to do it without being watched by other people. It can also be challenging to find the traveling time and money that are required to get the most out of joining a gym. If these situations sound familiar to you, then using various DVD workout programs might be the best answer to your dilemma.

By using these products you get to determine your own fitness schedule. There is no more waiting around for a group class to start and you never have to go out when the weather is unpleasant. You're in total control and you simply slide a video disk into the player whenever you feel like exercising.

The best fitness regimens involve a variety of activities. At the top of the list for many fitness buffs are aerobic routines, which aim to improve cardiovascular health by pumping up heartbeats and delivering oxygenated blood to the body's vital organs. Typical exercises in this category include dancing, fast walking, jogging, low-impact aerobics and step routines.

The appropriate beginning for an aerobic activity is the warm-up. This fires up your muscles and then gradually increases the pace to boost your heart rate. Once you reach a perceived exertion level of seven or eight out of ten, you maintain that pace for the main portion of the workout, which lasts from twenty to thirty minutes. A cool-down period follows, to allow you to recover and bring your pulse back down to normal. Light stretching may be included as well.

Another key element in staying fit is to incorporate strength training. For this, you should have an exercise mat, a towel, and water to stay hydrated. The instructors in some videos take you through exercises for triceps, shoulders and biceps using hand-held weights. They may also demonstrate lower body routines that employ weights to make lunges and squats even more effective. Certain moves, like push-ups, usually rely on a person's own body weight to provide the resistance.

Yoga moves are an ideal way to work on flexibility, which is important to good health. By holding poses and breathing deeply, you give your muscles an awesome stretch. A side benefit to this is that it also relaxes you.

Repeating the same exercises over and over can be tedious, so it's best to acquire a number of video disks specializing in aerobics, strength and flexibility training. Switch things around, depending on your mood, to keep your interest levels high. Also, protect yourself by paying attention to the video demonstrations on proper technique, and be sure to consult your medical professional before you embark on a new exercise regime. Above all, don't overwhelm yourself by taking on too much at once.

If finances are an issue, you can buy second-hand DVD workout programs at low prices online. Another economical idea is to borrow products from your local library. It's not unusual for libraries to have large collections of video disks from different exercise instructors, and by trying some of these, you can determine which ones you might like to purchase for longer-term use.

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